Tag Archives: jimmy eat world

Six Things I Love Sunday

This week has been insane for me.  So many papers to write, so little time.  Naturally, my blogging had to take a backseat to my education, so I apologize for that.

So, let’s kick things off.

1. SSX

Why? Years ago, my brother and I would spend hour after hour playing SSX Tricky, a snowboarding game.  So when I found out they had a new SSX out, I had to buy it.  My boyfriend and I split the cost, because $59.99 is kind of ridiculous for a snowboarding game, but so far it has been worth every penny.  I love the graphics and versatility, and although I typically have better things to do than play video games, this one is a good exception.

2. Born on a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet

Why? I recommended this book to my psychology teacher in high school, and I had completely forgotten about it until about a week ago.  This book is an autobiography of Daniel Tammet, who relays his accounts of Asperger’s Syndrome and his savant-like abilities.  I’ve always loved learning about mental disorders and psychology, so this book was like a dream come true when I first found it.  His recollections are seriously incredible, and it’s enthralling to have an inside look at the mind of a savant.

3. Emma Watson

Why? I grew up reading and watching Harry Potter, which explains the majority of my love for this girl.  But also, I love her fearlessness when it comes to life in general.  I mean, who could pull off that kind of haircut besides her?  Not many.

4. Twisted Peppermint

This is what heaven smells like.

Why? This is my favorite candle scent, ever.  It’s so minty and delicious and I’ve had to buy three in the last two months because I burn it so often.  I probably should have included a fruitier or more spring-friendly candle instead, but this has been my go-to candle all winter.  While I’m at it, I might as well just note that I love Bath and Body Works in general.  Is there a better-smelling place in the entire world?  I challenge you to find one.

5. Apple Rhubarb Pie

Why? I really don’t think it’s even necessary to include a “why” section for this.  So delicious.

6. Jimmy Eat World

Why? This has been my favorite band since middle school, primarily because I literally love every single one of their songs.  I remember doing a presentation on them in high school, and three people told me afterward that they were going to go out and buy their cd because of my project.  If you happen to live under a rock and haven’t heard of them, I would suggest visiting this link and loving every second of it.

What are some things you guys are loving at the moment?

Holly, not Hollie

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